Bring It On!!!! The Holiday Countdown Begins!

October 22, 2012 § Leave a comment

I know, I know. Don’t be mad at me. Halloween is still almost a week away and here I am talking Christmas. Apologies. Sincerely. But, listen friends, we tell ourselves every year that this is going to be the year that we don’t procrastinate and that we don’t let these dang holiday’s creep up on us. And you know what? Every year we let it happen.

But not this year! I won’t let it happen to you! Luxury Time is here to help. This year you are going to sit by the fire and enjoy a glass of eggnog, knowing that all of your holiday to-do’s are already done.

Now is the time to get your holiday pictures taken and get those cards ordered. If you need some help, or don’t know which photographer is best to use, we can set up a mini session with one of our preferred photogs. We will even update your address book, address and mail all of your cards, so that is one pesky detail you won’t have to remember. You’ll even get bonus points for remembering Aunt Trudy up in Nebraska this year, instead of having yet another card remain unsent in the box of holiday “I forgots”.

Hate holiday decorating, but want your house to look like something out of a Hollywood Christmas movie? Yup, we do that too. No worries about stringing the lights, or decking the halls. We’ve got you covered so you can focus on reading “The Night Before Christmas” to your kids with the pure joy of Christmas in you.

Expected to have the huge holiday bash, but between the shopping that needs to be done and all of your other normal household and work duties, you just don’t know how to do it all? Well, you know what? We can’t all be Martha. Sometimes we need help. And it’s lucky for you that you have Luxury Time Personal Concierge Service. We will do all that planning for you. We will sit down with you and create the guest list, send invitations, arrange catering, and decorating and everything in between.

Hate to be out in the world of crazy shoppers and icy roads? Give us your shopping list and we will pick up all of your packages for you. We can even provide gift wrapping. No need to call us Santa.

Need those cookies delivered to a special person across town, but the weather outside is frightful? Give us a call and we can get them there faster than Rudolph and his reindeer buddies.

Don’t know what to get the friend who has everything? How about time? Luxury Time has gift certificates available!

These are just some of the ways that we here at Luxury Time Personal Concierge Services can make your holiday’s a little brighter. If you can think of any other ways, give us a call and we will be happy to help. This is going to be the year that you can truly get ahead of the holiday rush and enjoy all of those memory making moments.

You can reach Jen and her team of elves at 330-808-0995, or email Hurry and schedule your services today, holiday schedules fill quickly!

Happy Holidays!


Don’t forget about our Time With Friends Program that allows you to get FREE hours and your friends to get discounts! Share the love this holiday season and make it possible to get that Gingerbread Latte with your girl friends after all!

Retainers ~ Are They Worth It?

September 5, 2012 § Leave a comment

If you are still not clear on what a personal and corporate concierge is worth, you may be wondering why you should even consider putting one on retainer. Please read What is a Personal Concierge Anyway? before going any further with this article. It will clear up a lot of confusion and help you to understand how extremely necessary it may be to have the help of a personal concierge on your team from time to time.

Now on to the matter at hand. Are retainers worth it when it comes to a personal/corporate concierge? For the most part, yes. If you are going to actually use the services. Being on retainer means that you are essentially a VIP. Your needs will come before other clients who aren’t on retainer.

Like a down payment, a retainer guarantees that you will be provided with a set amount of hours or tasks, possibly at set times, and the company will turn down conflicting jobs in order to remain available to you.

Still not convinced a retainer is for you? Here are some more reasons why you should look into it:

  • Comfort knowing that you have us when they want you and don’t have to worry about trying to get on your schedule.
  • Being a higher priority than hourly clients.
  • Knowing exactly how much it will cost each month and not having to worry about the potential of a big bill for anything within the retainer.
  • Having your payment on an auto-pay so you don’t have to deal with invoices.
  • Building stronger, longer-lasting, relationships with us, allowing us to better understand and serve you.

If you are interested in discussing the services that we can provide for you, as well as the possibility of setting up a retainer, please call us at 330-808-0995, or email us at We will be more than happy to work with you to create the perfect package based on your own personal needs.

Springtime is Busy Time!

March 10, 2012 § 1 Comment

Spring is almost here! How exciting!

I know that I should be grateful that we had a mild winter and while we had many beautiful days these past few months, I can’t help but be excited for Spring! I love the Spring and Summer! Everyone buzzing around enjoying their time! Celebrations for no specific reason, weddings, birthdays, Independence Day, Sunday Fun-days, backyard BBQ’s, bonfires, spending time with friends late into the summer nights. LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year!!!!

BUT WAIT!!!!! There is so much to do to get ready for all the good times to come! Spring cleaning, clean out the garage, plant the flowers, pull out patio furniture, fill pool, and OH MY! This list feels endless and how to get it all done while still enjoying the last few days of winter?

Well, if you are familiar with Luxury Time Personal Concierge, you might know that we provide services that cover all of this! And if you didn’t know, you might be surprised to find out just how much Luxury Time can help when it comes to getting your “chores” done, so that you can enjoy your time rather than be overwhelmed by your To-Do List.

Here are a few of our special Springtime Services, and as always, if you don’t see your specific need listed, please don’t hesitate to ask if we can do it, chances are as long as it is within our realm of possibilities, we would be happy to help.

Spring Services:

  • Managing trade jobs such as roof cleaning, pool cleaning, replanting flower beds, power washing cement, window washing, pruning, and anything other estate maintenance. We work with some of the best in these fields!
  • Organizing the garage, pool house, and other spaces that will be more heavily used in the summer months.
  • Bringing outdoor furniture out of storage, cleaning the boats, and preparing outdoor spaces such as the pool, patio, and a private dock.
  • Addressing missing items in advance such as pool umbrellas, patio heaters, or simple mosquito repellent options.
  • Researching and providing recommendations for summer schools or camps for children or managing travel plans for family.
  • Arranging and overseeing large projects. These could be interior design work such as redoing a bathroom or redesigning landscapes, etc.
  • All other normal services.

Some jobs may require a bit of planning, and we book fast this time of year. Also remember that purchasing a Luxury Time Package for these types of jobs may not only save you time, but save you money!

Please give us a call at 330-734-9302 now, so that we can begin to plan your Spring Services so that you can sit back and smell the roses!!!!

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